Plagiarised Government Grants For Small Businesses In Ontario (2024)

Small enterprises, huge organizations, non-profits, and post-secondary research institutes can all benefit from Canadian government financing initiatives. The key to gaining access to these programs, however, is determining which ones are the best fit for your business and prospective projects.

Government Grants For Small Business In Ontario

Funding Programs Region Description
Accelerating Innovations Into Care Alberta Supports the commercialization of health tech via collaborations of Alberta SMEs and public health providers

Up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum $150,000 contribution

Accessible Technology Program (ATP) Canada-wide Supports the development and testing of assistive technologies

Up to $4M per project/year in non-repayable grants

Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) Ontario AMIC is designed to help Ontario SMEs in advanced manufacturing industries with grant and loan support for cap & tech adoption.

Up to 15% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $5M in loan funding.

Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI) Canada-wide Designed to transition the Canadian aerospace sector out of the COVID-19 pandemic and into a leader on the global stage

Up to $10M per project repayable and non-repayable grants

AG Action Manitoba Manitoba A federal government program that supports the growth and competitiveness of Manitoba’s agriculture

Amount varies depending on the project focus your business chooses, as well as the stream chosen

Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program Ontario Supports the modernization of agriculture-specific, unique and innovative technologies in the workplace that enhance the protection of workers against COVID-19
AgriAssurance: SME Stream Canada-wide Supports businesses to meet certification standards in the agricultural and agri-food sector

Up to 50% to a maximum of $50,000 in non-repayable government funding

Agricultural Clean Technology Program (ACT) Canada-wide Supports research, development and adoption of clean technologies through investments and promotion of agri-based bioproducts

Access up to 50-75% of costs to a maximum $5M project

AgriInnovate Canada-wide Supports businesses to commercialize and/or adopt innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes or services

Access up to 50% of project expenses to a maximum of $10 million per application

Alberta Innovates: Voucher Program Alberta Supports Ontario businesses to develop new products & services, and to create online tools that support market expansion and exporting

Access up to 50-75% of costs to a maximum of $100k per application

Alberta Media Fund Alberta Supports organizations and individuals in developing screen-based media, scripts, books, magazines, and sound recordings

Up to 18%-50% of eligible costs covered to a maximum of $20k-$200k, depending on the funding stream

Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program Ontario Supports commercialization of technology and/or productivity improvements of businesses

Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $500,000 per collaboration

APMA: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Fund Ontario Aims to liaison more young Canadians into the automotive sector by providing participants with the opportunity to gain skills training and knowledge through a placement or employment.

Up to 800 participants will receive up to $8,000 in training costs

AV R&D Partnership Fund: Technology Demonstrations Ontario Supports the development and demonstration of pre-market technologies in the automotive sector

Up to 33% of eligible costs to a maximum of $1,000,000 in grant funding

Business Scale-up and Productivity Program (BSP) Ontario Helps to offset upfront project costs and helps southern Ontario businesses grow more quickly

Access repayable funding for up to 35% of project costs to a maximum of $10M

Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) Canada-wide The Canada Community Revitalization Fund (CCRF) is designed to support communities that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

CCRF will be delegating up to a maximum of $750,000 – $1 million in government funding to cover up to 75% of total expenses for a project

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) Canada-wide Support for projects that improve the physical condition of arts and heritage collaboration, creation, presentation, and exhibition spaces

Up to 50% to $500k-$15M depending on the project type. Up to 75% of rural and underserved communities

Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Canada-wide designed to support small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that need to make digital adoptions in their businesses to be able to remain competitive in this new digital age.

Up to 90% of eligible costs up to a $15,000 grant

Canada Job Grant (CJG) Canada-wide Designed to reduce the costs of providing third-party skills training to new and existing employees

Up to 50-100% of eligible costs are covered in most provinces

Canada Media Fund: Experimental Stream Canada-wide Supports developing, producing, and promoting innovative, interactive software development projects including apps and video games

Up to $15k-$1.5M per project phase in grants

Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) Canada-wide Supports business growth through business loans with competitive interest rates

Up to $1M for business expansion activities

Canada Summer Jobs Canada-wide Support for employers providing supervised career-related work experience for youth employees

Up to 50% of employee minimum hourly rate; Non-profits can receive grants up to 100% of minimum wage plus Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs); Amount is capped at a max $300K per employer/province or territory. Maximum 40 hours/week/employee can be included.

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program Canada-wide offers a process through which the Government of Canada assumes financial risk, and responsibility, and provides compensation for damage or losses to objects and appurtenances in eligible travelling exhibitions.

Receive up to $700K in Indemnification Coverage.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Alberta Alberta Supports the growth and competitiveness of Alberta agriculture businesses and organizations

Funding varies depending on your project focus and what funding stream it matches with

Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Federal Canada-wide Supports Canadian agricultural business expansion and growth

Up to 50%-75% of expenses to a max of $1M in grants

Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program (CASPP) Canada-wide Supports projects that help the agricultural industry mitigate emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities

Up to 50% to a maximum of $1M in grants

Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN) Canada-wide The Canadian Food Innovation Network’s (CFIN) program is designed to support smart product and process development, food ecosystem sustainability, and agile and safe supply chains.

Up to 50% of eligible expenses or up to $2M in cost-matching funds per application.

Canadian International Innovation Program (CIIP) Canada-wide Supports municipalities demonstrating an innovative solution or approach to environmental issues

Up to $175,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs for all three study streams

CanExport Canada-wide Supports global expansion projects including participation in trade shows and government-led trade missions

Up to 50% to a max of $50,000 in grants

Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Ontario Ontario Supports Ontario agricultural business expansion and growth

Up to 25% to 50% of eligible expenses to a max of $250,000 in grants

Career-Ready with CTMA: Expanding Opportunities Ontario Administered by the Canadian Tooling & Machining Association and Mentor Works, the hiring grant supports Ontario’s precision metalworking sector with youth hires

Funding 30% of wages paid to a max of $3,000 for each placement

Celebrate Ontario Blockbuster (COB) Program Ontario Supports Ontario municipalities and organizations by relieving some of the financial stress of hosting large events that meet the ministry’s definition of a Blockbuster Event.

Covers up to 20% of eligible large festival costs.

Commemorate Canada Program Canada-wide Provides support for initiatives that commemorate and/or celebrate historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments of national significance through funding.

Receive up to 100% of costs or up to $10K in grants.

Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program Canada-wide Helps Canadian communities confront discrimination by funding new opportunities, discussions, and research to bring together Canada’s diverse cultures and religions.

Up to $1 million in government funding.

Creative Export Canada (CEC) Canada-wide Supports commercialization of technology and/or productivity improvements of businesses

Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $500,000 per collaboration

Customer Demonstration Program Ontario Supports technology demonstrations between two or more Ontario-based businesses

Up to 50% coverage of eligible expenses to a maximum of $50k

Dairy Processing Investment Fund (DPIF) Canada-wide Supports dairy processors who invest in areas that improve productivity and competitiveness

Up to 50% of costs to a max of $10M for expenditure projects and $250,000 for access to expertise

Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) Ontario Supports economic development by investing in infrastructure or implementing strategies to advance regional priorities

Up to 15-50% of project expenses to a maximum of $500k-$5M in grant or loan funding depending on the stream

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration (EVID) Program Canada-wide Supports demonstrations of next-generation and innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure

Up to 50% of eligible project expenses and offers $250k – $3M in funding

ENCQOR 5G SME Technology Development Program (5G SDP) Ontario Supports collaborative 5G technology development projects to develop, integrate, test, or validate pre-commercial 5G technologies.

Access up to $50k to $500k in Government Funding per application

Export Support Fund Alberta Helps reduce the cost of attending trade shows in new export markets

Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $20,000 per application

Forest Sector Investment and Innovation Program (FSIIP) Ontario Supports forest industry businesses to invest in new equipment, facility expansion, process, and product innovation

Business Stream: Up to 30% in loans & Collaborations Stream: Up to 75% in grants

Green Municipal Fund Canada-wide Supports municipalities demonstrating an innovative solution or approach to environmental issues

Up to $175,000 to cover up to 80% of eligible costs for all three study streams

Greenhouse Technology Network (GTN) Ontario The program provides matching government funding towards projects that improve and implement greenhouse technologies to support industry innovation.

Up to $100,000 in contribution matching resulting in a maximum budget of $200,000 per project.

Healthy Hire Manitoba Program Manitoba Supports employers to hire employees that have received their vaccination

Up to $5,000 per employee to a maximum of $50,000 for 10 employees

IESO Conservation Fund Ontario Support new conservation and demand management programs, practices and technologies to reduce Ontario’s electricity consumption

Up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs to a maximum of $500,000

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) – National Research Council (NRC) Canada-wide Designed to accelerate the research and development projects of Canadian innovators

Access up to 60-80% of costs to a maximum of $10M per application

Industry Commercialization Associates Program Alberta Supports hiring an associate to perform technical commercialization activities

Level 1 – Up to $52,500 annual stipend. Level 2 – Up to $75,000 annual stipend. Level 3 – Up to $105,000 annual stipend. Additional Expense Allowance of $7,000 annually

Industry R&D Associates Program Alberta Supports hiring an associate to perform technical research and development activities

Level 1 – Up to $52,500 annual stipend. Level 2 – Up to $67,500 annual stipend. Additional Expense Allowance of $7,000 annually

Innovation for Defence and Security Program (IDEaS) Canada-wide Supports pre-commercial military and defence technologies that have the potential to address current challenges faced by Canada’s Armed Forces

Access up to $1.2M for initial R&D. Fully-developed solutions may access up to $20M through a procurement program

Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) Canada-wide Helps startups and small businesses overcome technology development hurdles so that they can produce globally-demanded products and services

Up to $150k for proof of concept projects, and up to $1M for prototype development, and may also be awarded a government contract

Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund Ontario Supports Canadian media projects during their concept and product development stages

Eligible applicants can receive up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $50,000 for concept and $250,000 for production

NOHFC INVEST North Program Ontario Supporting economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance towards projects that diversify their region

Receive up to $5,000,000 per project as either a grant or partially forgivable loan

Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) Program Canada-wide Supporting clean technologies in the forest industry during the COVID-19 pandemic

Applicants can receive 50% of eligible costs up to $20M for the general stream of the program, $1M for the small business stream, and $500K for the studies project stream

Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) Ontario Supporting economic growth and job creation projects.

Applicants can receive up to 50-90% of the costs for economic growth projects.

Manitoba Industrial Opportunities Program (MIOP) Manitoba Supports small and large businesses in Manitoba with low-interest repayable funding contributions to begin operations in Manitoba

Loans ranging from $500,000 to $5,000,000 and paid back between 5 – 7 years

Market Readiness Program (OCI) Ontario Supporting academic spin-off companies with grants to further their early-stage commercialization and support scalable business growth

Max funding from $125,000-250,000 in Ontario provincial funding

Mitacs Accelerate Canada-wide Pairs businesses with Masters, PhD and PDF interns to overcome innovation challenges

Matching funds from Mitacs up to $7,500 per 4-6 month internship unit

Mitacs Elevate Canada-wide Supports industry and academic partnerships to solve current issues through innovative means

Receive up to $30,000 from Mitacs

Museums Assistance Program (MAP) Canada-wide Offers support to workers, collections, skills, and more for museums, heritage institutions, and Indigenous communities.

Receive up to 70% of 400K in funding support.

NGen Manufacturing Program Canada-wide Supporting technology development that will help Canadian manufacturers compete globally

Grants up to 44.4% of eligible expenses with no limit on project size

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) Ontario Supporting economic development initiatives in Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance towards projects that diversify their region

Receive up to $2,000,000 per project as either a grant or partially forgivable loan

NSERC Alliance Canada-wide Supporting collaborative R&D projects between Canadian businesses and universities

Up to $1,000,000 in grant funding per year

Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) Ontario Supports automotive businesses to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness through the adoption of lean manufacturing processes and Industry 4.0-related technologies

Up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $150,000 in grants

Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation Fund (OHCRIF) Ontario Funding research towards ideas and approaches to developing Canada’s workforce

Covers 100% of eligible expenses to a max of $250,000

Ontario Manufacturing Training Program (OMTP) Ontario Supports two types of eligible training activities for southern Ontario manufacturers impacted by COVID-19

Provides non-repayable contributions to a maximum of $100,000 towards eligible expenses

Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) WinterTech Development Program Ontario Supports projects related to the development, validation, testing, demonstration, and prototyping of mobility technologies and services

Up to one-third of the eligible project costs up to a maximum of $500,000

Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN): Talent Development Program Ontario Combines Ontario companies with top young minds to stimulate industry-driven R&D projects for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (C/AV) technologies.

Up to $35,000 in grant funding.

NOHFC People & Talent Program Ontario Designed to attract, retain, and develop Northern Ontario’s workforce by creating and sustaining new and existing jobs

Receive up to 90% of an Indigenous person’s salary of up to $52.5k a year, and up to 90% of other eligible applicants for up to $35k a year

Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program (PEFIP) Canada-wide Helps supply-managed poultry and egg producers adapt to market changes

Covers 70-85% of eligible costs in grant funding

Product Demonstration Program Alberta Supporting commercialization-ready tech in the industries of energy, nanotechnology, health, and more

Grants covering up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $300,000

Protein Industries Canada Canada-wide Supporting collaborative product or process research, technology development, and export market development projects related to expanding Canada’s plant-based protein sector

Offsets up to 50% of eligible project expenses with no defined maximum contribution. The remaining project funds must be supported by at least two project partners

Rural Economic Development Fund (RED) Ontario Supports regional economic development activities in rural southern Ontario communities

Up to 30-50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $150,000-$250,000

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Canada-wide One of the largest tax incentive programs available to a wide range of Canadian businesses

Access up to 69% of labour and overhead costs, 36% of contractor costs, and 45% of material costs

SD Tech Fund Canada-wide Supports cleantech projects that aim to improve water, soil and air quality to reduce the effects of climate change

Access up to 40% of project costs for an average funding contribution of $3,000,000

Skills Catalyst Fund Ontario Supports Ontario consortiums in the development and implementation of innovative workforce development projects that test new and emerging ideas and approaches to labour market challenges

Up to 80% of eligible training expenses to a maximum of $500,000

SME in Action Program Québec Helps SMEs carry out feasibility studies before the realization of investment projects in Québec

Up to 40% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $50,000

SONAMI Ontario Helps manufacturers and innovation-based businesses overcome innovation challenges

Access up to 50% of project costs

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) Ontario Supports companies investing in new facilities and equipment to advance regional priorities

Up to 15-50% of expenses to a maximum of $500k-$5M in grant or loan funding depending on the stream

Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) Canada-wide Supports projects that drive sustained productivity and economic benefits

Submit a project budget of at least $20M and access up to 50% of eligible costs

Supply Chains and Logistics Excellence AI (SCALE.AI) Canada-wide Enhances Canada’s existing supply chain practices by boosting economic development through faster adoption and integration of artificial intelligence (AI)

Access up to 40% of eligible project costs, with no minimum or maximum investment allocated per project

Supply Management Processing Investment Fund (SMPIF) Canada-wide Supports the impacts of international trade agreements on processors in the agri-food sector

Receive up to 50% of costs to a max. of $5 million

Tourism Development Fund (TDF) Ontario Helps not-for-profits and municipalities to invest in developing new tourism services, tourism investment attraction, and industry capacity building

Access up to 50% of costs. There is no maximum amount of applications

Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund Ontario supports Canadian tourism businesses with funding aimed at recovery projects designed to mitigate the financial tolls of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector

Successful applicants may receive funding matching up to 50% of total cash expenses with no pre-determined limit.

Western Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program Western Canada Helps businesses with high growth potential adopt/adapt innovative technologies that support productivity and export expansion

Access up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $5M per application and $10M per applicant

Youth Employment Program (IRAP) Canada-wide Designed to assist in the funding of hiring young Canadian post-secondary graduates

Provides up to $30,000 per graduate (up to two) for a period of 6 to 12 months

Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative (ZEVAI) Canada-wide Supports projects that address knowledge gaps among Canadians on ZEV technologies to move forward to ZEV adoption

Up to 50% of total project costs, with a maximum contribution amount of $300,000 per project

Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVI) Canada-wide Designed to increase a network of zero-emission vehicle charging and refuelling stations in more localized areas where Canadians live, work, and play

Up to 50% of costs to a maximum of $5M in Canadian government funding


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